KVKK Aydınlatma Metni
CLARIFICATION/INFORMATION ABOUT PROCESSING PERSONAL DATAIstanbul Memorial Health Investments Co. As "Memorial", we care about the security of your personal data. With this in mind, we show great sensitivity to protect all of your personal data as best and as precise as possible.With this responsibility in mind, according to the law no 6698, Law of Protecting Personal Data ("Law") and the related legislation, with the Data Manager title, we process your data as stated below.Gathering, Processing Personal Data and Process ReasonsTo be able to provide you a high quality service, based on the features of the provided service, we gather your personal data via Call Center, internet, mobile applications, physical environments and similar channels, in verbal, written, visual or electronic form. In this extent, all the primary general and private personal data, especially the personal health data that are necessary to conduct all medical diagnosis, examination, treatment and care services are listed below; ID information such as your name, surname, TR ID no, if you are not a Turkish citizen, your passport number or temporary TR ID no, date and place of birth, marital status, and gender, and your TR ID or Driver Licence copy that you submitted, communication information such as your address, phone number, e-mail, financial data such as bank account no, IBAN no,Health and sexual life data gathered during conducting medical diagnosis, treatment and care services such as your laboratory and image results, test results, examination data, prescription data that you submitted for the follow up of your file, Your response and comments that you shared to evaluate our services,Your close circuit camera system image and voice recordings gathered during your visit to our hospitals,Your recorded phone calls gathered when you contacted our Call Center,Your data of personal health insurance and Social Security Service data to finance and plan health services,Your vehicle license plate data if you use the parking lot and valet services,Visiting information, IP address, scanning information gathered when you visit our website and use our mobile applications, and medical documents, surveys, form information and location data that you submitted of your own volition, Your personal data stated above and your special personal data may be processed with the reasons below: To protect public health, to conduct protective physician, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services,According to the related legislation, to share the information demanded by Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations, To satisfy legal and regulative requirements,In regards to the financing, and meeting the expenses of tests, diagnosis and treatment, and to check condignation, to share the information demanded by private insurance companies, via our Patient Services, Financial Affairs, Marketing departments, To inform you about your appointment via our Call Center and Digital Channels,To confirm your identity via Patient Services, Health Professionals and Call Center,To plan and manage the internal administration of the institution via our Hospital Management,To conduct analyses in order to improve the health services via Quality, Patient Experience, Information Systems, To provide training to our employees by Human Resources and Quality departments,To observe and obstruct unauthorized and abusing processes via Auditing and Information Systems departments, To conduct risk management and quality development activities via Quality, Patient Experience, Information Systems departments, To perform billing for the provided services via Patient Services, Financial Affairs, Marketing departments,To confirm your relation with institutions contracted with our hospital via Patient Services, Financial Affairs, Marketing departments, To respond to all your questions and complaints related to our health services via Hospital Management, Patient Experience, Patient Rights, Call Center departments, To take all the necessary technical and administrative precautions for data security of our hospital Personally deliver your legal requests to Kaptanpaşa Mahallesi Halit Ziya Türkkan Sok Famas Plaza C Blok Şişli/İstanbul address, send them via a Notary,or you can send it via a recorded e-mail address or an e-mail address recorded in our system, as secured email or with mobile signature to the [email protected] address.
Application deadline has expired.
În calitate de Memorial Health Group, suntem onorați să vă invitam la ‘’Ziua Pediatriei Memorial “’ , unde îi vom găzdui pe cei mai respectați specialiști pediatrie din Turcia.
14/11/2024 Thursday 09:00-18:00